Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jan. 24, 2010

More good news......The US Military have been making random patrols both during the day and night at H2H - enough so that their presence has given the children and staff a tangible sense of security. They have also supplied H2H with a 50 gallon barrel of diesel (one week's worth of diesel if used sparingly), and have promised to do their best to keep us supplied in fuel. Having access to diesel has been a major hurdle in H2H's efforts to survive, as all of our food suppliers have been at least a two hour drive away, costing us precious diesel. The US Military have also taken the initiative to measure our walls, and are looking into providing temporary fencing for extra safety around our compound. They have recognized the danger the children are in with our buildings being precariously close to collapsing, and are attempting to bring in a piece of equipment to knock down dangerous buildings and to remove rubble so that we have access to our food depot. Finally, tomorrow they will be coming with a large amount of food and bottled water which we will be sharing with the one will go to bed hungry tomorrow night.

Another exciting event took place today. Rebecca was interviewed by an NBC news correspondent! The segment will be aired tomorrow sometime.

A long-time supporter from Red Deer Alberta has committed himself to raising enough money to purchase a backhoe/loader. This will be our first significant step towards the re-building of H2H and all of the Grande Goave community.

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